SPOC Partners
New updates for events with SPOC Partners
Food Distribution with SPOC Partner, St. Stephanus
St. Stephanus partners with many different organizations to bless their surrounding Frogtown community. They are currently partnering with Second Harvest Heartland to do food distributions regularly every month in the Frogtown area.
For more information, see their website: https://www.saintstephanus.org/serving-frogtown
SPOC Partner St. Stephanus Food Distribution continues. Hosted every 3rd Thursday of the month, 4-6pm. Drive up to the front of the church building (739 Lafond Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104).
We need you! In order to keep this valuable program running, we need volunteers to help out. Sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E48ADA72CA7FDCF8-45279365-summer#/
Thank you for supporting this important work and loving our community well!
For questions, contact Megan Hoffman, Youth & Family Ministry, at St. Stephanus Lutheran Church: youth@saintstephanus.org.
SPOC Partner: Bear Buddies at Concordia St. Paul
Bear Buddies: An opportunity to connect to International Students! SPOC Partner, CSP (Concordia St. Paul), invites you to befriend an international student by becoming a “bear buddy” this year. Be paired with an incoming international student at CSP. Foster lasting friendship by sharing meals, exploring state parks, attending festivals together, and sharing your favorite local activities. Share your life and the love of Jesus with them as you support their adjustment to MN.
As of early 2025, there are spots still open!
Ready To Connect? Sign up here: thehospitalitycenter.org/volunteer-signup.
Contact CSP Ministry Associate, Anna Gruen, (gruen@csp.edu) for more info.
Scan the QR Code for more information about Bear Buddies
SPOC Partner: Options for Women
Explore resources available at Options for Women.
Call: 651-776-2328
Text: 855-776-2328
For more information, see their website:
Life Match Grant Initiative
Life Match Grant Initiative update:
The SPOC partners have one woman identified as a recipient of services and are finalizing the other two participants as we move forward with the prenatal care program. So far, mentors have volunteered to serve from Eastern Heights, University Lutheran Chapel, and Concordia University St. Paul. Watch for information to come about a baby shower being hosted for these women in the spring.
This project is in cooperation with the LCMS million dollar life match. Thank you to everyone who continues to support this care opportunity!