St. Paul Outreach Center (SPOC)

Saint Paul

Outreach Center


Who We Serve

The St. Paul Outreach Center is a resource for all in our Midway neighborhood!

We want to connect with you—whether you have lived in the Midway area your whole life and your kids are growing up here too, or if you are a new immigrant or a neighbor in need of connecting to household necessities. 

Volunteers are members of St. Paul area LCMS churches, schools, and Concordia University, St. Paul.

The primary focus of the St. Paul Outreach Center is to serve and share God’s love with new immigrants to St. Paul and other neighbors in the Midway area, as well as partnering with CSP’s international student ministry.

Could you use English practice or family resources, free music classes?

We want to hear from YOU! Let us know what would be a good fit in our community!

Scan the QR code to let us know how we can help serve those in the St. Paul, MN community.

Have a community resource to share? Want to find out about more SPOC events or connect with partners? Scan the QR code or visit our Google form to be added to our contact list and to receive emails or texts:

What's Happening:

New Updates for 2025!

Free Lenten Meals

The SPOC is excited to have the opportunity to connect with our community again this Lent. Join us at Jehovah Lutheran Church for free midweek Lenten meals in spring 2025. These free community meals will be held March 12, 19, 26 and Apr 2, 9.

On Wednesday mornings, the St. Paul Outreach Center will be hosting Lenten services at 11:30am at partner church Emmaus Lutheran (1074 Idaho Ave. W.). Pastor Kooi and Pastor Miller will be presiding with a series of local preachers. A light lunch will be served at 12:30pm.

On Wednesday evenings, meals are served at 5:30pm, followed by a Lenten prayer service at Jehovah at 6:30pm.

Contact David Mennicke or Katie Miller if you can help hand out fliers. Watch for more details soon on a prayer walk in the Jehovah area. Please pray for those in the Midway neighborhood who may attend these meals and/or services!

Pickleball Meets

SPOC Pickleball continues! Due to low traffic at this colder time of year, we will be pausing the weekly Friday outreach times. However, pickleball is still offered the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Fridays of each month. Mark your calendar for Friday, March 7, 21, and 28 (CSP student/friends night) from 6:30-8:00pm.

Pickleball nights are hosted at Jehovah Lutheran Church (1566 Thomas Ave., St. Paul, MN). We’ve had a great time learning the game and meeting new friends. It's a blast! Everyone is welcome! Please share the news and come! We provide gear, lessons, and support. No experience required. Prefer to cheer on the players? Come just to watch and connect!

Text Rachel 651-399-2222 for more info or to let her know you are coming!

Would your site be interested in host a pickleball session for community outreach?? Let’s connect! Email David Mennicke at

Save the Date: SPOC Egg Hunt

SPOC Egg Hunt Returns on April 19!

More details on the egg hunt, collecting donations, and volunteering coming soon!

New Programming!

The SPOC is excited to announce the launch of FREE music classes and ESL classes  (English as a Second Language). These will be open to the community! Watch for more information in the coming months. Please pray for those who may be able to use and be reached through these new offerings.

For questions, email David Mennicke at

Who We Are

The St. Paul Outreach Center is a community support ministry in partnership with the twelve churches of the St. Paul Metro Circuit of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) (

The SPOC is sponsored by the MNSouth District (

The SPOC is based at Jehovah Lutheran Church, located at 1566 Thomas Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104.

We are also partnered with:

Want to Get Involved?

Want to volunteer or support SPOC?  Partner with us! Whether you’re a Midway neighbor, LCMS church member, CSP student—we want to connect!

Ways to Get Involved


VolunteerHang out with us!

Contact Us

Reach out to David Mennicke, SPOC coordinator


Phone: 651-636-3271

Fill out our Google form: 

Volunteers can scan the QR code to let us know how you can help.